


Mine tour by bicycle

We usually enjoy riding our bikes in mountains, but in Peca tourist mine you can experience riding a bike through the abandoned and mysterious tunnels under mount Peca. Equipped with helmets and flashlights and accompanied by our guides you can safely ride for more than 5 kilometres on this unique underground trail which leads from one valley to another and experience an unforgettable adventure. Miners were digging the lead and zinc ore for more than 300 years and dug more than 800 kilometres of tunnels under mount Peca. Most of these tunnels were dug into hard, solid rock. The ore and tailings were then transported on the surface by using carts. Through one of such tunnels today leads this one of a kind biking trail. Although the trail leads through safe tunnels and has an elevation gain of only 15m, some dents and bumps left behind by the former railway thresholds make pedalling quite challenging. The starting point for this tour is at the Peca tourist mine and museum in Mežica, where you will be welcomed by our guides. From Mežica you will be driven to the mine entrance at Igrčevo, above Črna na Koroškem, where this underground bicycle trail begins. You will the mine in another valley, called Breg pri Mežici. From there you will descent for about 2 kilometres back to the Peca mine tourist mine and museum where you will hand over the rented equipment, wash your bicycles and have a look of numerous collections at the museum.

Mine tour by kayak

Rudarji mežiških rudnikov so v več kot tristo letih rudarjenja naredili več kot 1.000 kilometrov rovov, ki se razprostirajo na 64 km2 in segajo od globine 268 m nad morjem do višine 2060 m pod vrh gore Pece. Leta 1994 so ustavili proizvodnjo rude v mežiških rudnikih. Ob tem so prenehali črpati vodo iz rudnika, zato je ta zalila spodnje dele, da vodnega rova, po katerem danes prosto izteka iz rudnika. Voda je zalila tudi velike odkope, ki so jih naredili rudarji in danes zgledajo kot čarobna podzemna jezera. Pot podzemne avanture se prične pred rudarskim muzejem na Glančniku v Mežici, kjer se turisti vkrcajo na pravi rudarski vlak. Z jamskim vlakom se peljejo po 3,5 km dolgem Glančnik rovu do Unionskega vpadnika. Od tod se peš spustijo okoli 95 m po stopnicah do nivoja vode. Pred vstopom v vodo dobijo potrebno zaščitno opremo (škornje-hlače iz neoprena, nepotopljiv jopič, jamarsko čelado s svetilko), nato pa se spustijo v rov, zalit z vodo, v katerem že čakajo posebni kajaki za tri osebe. Z vodnikom se odpravijo po manjši podzemni reki do jezerc skoraj 700 m pod površjem zemlje, kjer se nadaljuje čarobna vožnja. Obiskovalci lahko sami veslajo po mirni in čisti vodi ter raziskujejo podzemni labirint, zalite rove in odkope, na koncu pa se skozi ozek rov in čez manjšo brzico odpeljejo nazaj do izhodišča. Po končani vožnji s čolni se peš odpravijo preko opuščenih jamskih delovišč do postajališča jamskega vlaka. Med potjo pa jim usposobljen vodnik s pripovedmi pričara dneve, ko v rudniku ni vladala tišina, ampak so v njem z orodjem in stroji delali številni rudarji. Po pravi knapovški malici se z vlakom odpeljejo iz rudnika, kjer si v rudarskem muzeju lahko ogledajo še številne zanimive zbirke. Te pričajo o delu in življenju rudarjev v osrčju gore Pece, o njihovem vsakdanjem življenju na površini, kakor tudi o rudah in mineralih, krasnih stvaritvah narave.

Koroška hiking trail

A circular long-distance trail connects the Karavanke alps, the Pohorje, the Kozjak and The Kamnik-Savinja alps and covers three valleys, the Mežiška, the Dravska and the Mislinjska valley. The trail leads over peaks of all major mountains in Koroška and passes many mountain cabins where most of the 31 control points are located. The entire path covers 230 km and can be finished in 10 to 12 days by the bravest. The trail offers many different sections from which shorter and less demanding hiking trails have been formed. These are appropriate for more relaxed hikes.

Name: Koroška hiking trail

Distance: 214 km
Difference in altitude: 11580 m.n.v.
Surface: asphalt, forest trails, macadam
Category: difficult

Sport climbing

In the Topla valley, a nature park, covered with beautiful greenery you can find the Burjakove peči climbing area. With its height rock quality this climbing area is considered to be one of the best in Slovenia. By facing southeast the rock is secured from the burning sun and due to its remoteness you may enjoy climbing in complete silence.

Rating: 4a–4c (3), 5a–5c (6), 6a–6b+ (28), 6c–7a+ (22), 7b–7c+ (19), 8a–9b (13).
The most appropriate time to visit: from April to October
Type of wedges: adhesive bolts and drilled bolts
Access: accessible by cars right to the parking lot beneath the wall.
Access time from the parking lot: 1 – 10 min
Route altitude: 6 – 50 m

Burjakove peči so v območju Geoparka Karavanke (vpisanega v mrežo geoparkov pod okriljem Unesca) in dolini Topla, ki je zaščitena kot krajinski park, zato je treba upoštevati pravila, ki veljajo za zavarovano območje. Na Koroškem je še nekaj kakovostnih in urejenih plezališč: Matvoz v Javorju, Štenge nad Mežico, Kot na Prevaljami, Votla peč pri Ravnah na Koroškem, Zabričnikova peč, plezališče Sele ter Kalvarija, Perkolica in Prepihova dolina pri Radljah ob Dravi.

Rafting tours in Koroška

At the timber-rafter’s quay in Gortina, one of the two tourist oriented timber-rafter’s quays on the river Drava the rafters continue a hundred year old tradition of the vigorous people from the Drava valley. Timber-rafting was considered as an important industry in the Drava valley, where timber-rafters were transporting timber down the river all the way to Hungary, Serbia and Romania. Today’ timber-raft replicas used for tourism offer you a genuine experience of the past. The organizers provide an authentic culinary and entertaining program on these rides.